Friday, February 6, 2015

Celebrating Birthdays in College

Hello everyone! I am now halfway through my first year of college! Honestly, I can't believe how fast it has gone so far. In the span of a week, three of my friends had birthdays, so I decided to dedicate this post to how we've been celebrating birthdays in college (specifically in the dorms). I believe that birthdays are SPECIAL, and my goal is for everyone to have a fabulous day. In this post I will be sharing some of the things that my friends and I have done to celebrate each others birthdays since the start of this school year.


Perhaps the simplest thing you could do is make a sign for your friend's door. I just use a single sheet of printer paper and personalize it for the person using different colors or themes that they enjoy. Here are a couple that I made for my friends James and Isabella:


Don't ever underestimate the power of balloons. They can make a room go from drab to fab in seconds. As you can see for James' door, we used balloons to add more color. Now, if your up for it, you can go a little crazy with the balloons. For my roommate Liz's birthday, the room was filled with blue balloons! 


I know the first question I usually ask when I'm invited to a party is, "Will there be food?" SO
this is a necessity (especially with college kids). There is an endless amount of things you can do for food. You can even keep it simple and have everyone go to one of the dining places on campus. On James' birthday, we all ate together on campus and brought cookies. For my friend Isabella's birthday, our group got dressed up and went to a restaurant called Custom House in Avila Beach. We have also  had pizza delivered to our dorm, and gotten donuts for everyone. 
James' birthday on campus.
Isabella's birthday at Custom House.


If your friends are lucky enough to have a birthday on the weekend, then you should plan something entertaining to do during the day. A hike, bonfire, or even just a day at the beach are always good ideas. Cody's birthday was on a Saturday, and when we asked him what he wanted to do, he said he wanted to go kayaking. After some research online, we found a reasonably priced place that wasn't too far away and were off! The spontaneity of the occasion made the trip even more fun! 


Now, I know this is a bit elementary, but hey us college kids can have themed parties too (also Liz and I just wanted an excuse to Pinterest...). Our friend Clint is obsessed with Star Wars, so everything we did for him fell under that theme. 

So, I hope this post inspires you to all make your friends' birthdays special! This just goes to show ya that you don't need to spend a lot of money in order to have fun. Feel free to share how you  guys spend your birthdays! 



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