Monday, October 27, 2014

Desk Tour

 Hey Y'all,

Where are you girls at? I know college has gotten pretty busy for me, class, projects, friends, studying, reading mid-terms, homework, social functions, oh yeah and trying to remember to eat at least twice a day. So I understand the lack of activity of here at LTP, but let's try to get some posts up so we can keep in touch :)

I thought it would be fun to do a desk tour, as my desk is where I spend most of my time.
So here is my desk as a whole, if you couldn't tell, I like bright pastel colors, especially pink. I brought most of this stuff from my old desk at home, though I have less space here (big surprise) at college, so I re arranged it a bit.
Starting on the left I have my light blue bookend from Daiso and Koala Beanie Baby from 2003 sitting on top of my flash card holder. Blue owl coin jar look familiar? It's because Lauren got it for me for my 16th birthday, it such a fun and unique little piece that really "quirks" up my space, also it reminds me of my dear friend Nathan Ong. Behind the owl I have my Neon stationary from Target for letter writing. And next to that my nerdy collection of 3DS games that I no longer have time to play. (Although Cameron and I occasionally play Smash from time to time, it's so much fun!)
Next up, I've got a copy of "Lights Out" by Ingrid Michealson, my journals, favorite movies (Frozen & Tangled), favorite books, a Daneryus figurine (wearing Rapunzel's crown lol), all of my pencils and pens, and a french cade lavender scented Voluspa candle (that I can't light, but it smells so good.)

These are the journals on my desk, the two purple are moleskins I got in a bookstore, and the other two are gifts from Lauren.

Here we have my Betta Fish, Atticus Finch, to do list, sticky notes, a mug I made a Color-Me-Mine, a lamp from Target, a clock from Daiso, and two antique rabbit figurines. Oh and a Halloween card from my parents that I couldn't resist hanging, isn't it so cute??

I have my fabric covered shoe box that I made with this tutorial, my PEAS from Disneyland, a tissue box, my Frankie Mags, and a mason jar mug I got from a coffee shop right off campus that was just TOO cute not to buy.

These are my desk drawers with miscellaneous stuff that's most likely either from Target or Daiso.

My Lilly Pulitzer Agenda always brighten up my desk (like it really needs that), my Yoga Laptop ft Rapunzel's Tower, and a kitty cat mouse pad, even though I don't have a mouse yet.

And finally here's my whiteboard calender and cork-board! Which I could talk about for hours, but I'll resist the urge to go all Shabby Chic on you and just leave them here for your visual enjoyment.

I can't believe Halloween is this Friday? What are you guys being? Cam and I are going to be Hans Solo and Princess Leia from Star Wars. I've got to go head to my math lecture, Hope college is treating you well, take care ladies!


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